Third hand stuff


Choose third hand to save our land.

Toote või teenuse kirjeldus

Our company offers to use the leftover clothes from second-hand stores for the manufacture of new handmade products. This solution will make it possible to avoid excess of production and burning of clothing residues, which negatively affects the environment. It is safe for the environment, and will also give the opportunity to purchase items in a single copy, which makes them unique. We offer products for every age group for example T-shirts, fabric toys, bags, pet toys, tote bags.

Alīna Aņiščenko
Riga secondary school 34, Riga
Grethe-Ly Hausler
Viljandi Gymnasium, Estonia, Viljandi
Diana Bednarska
Riga Wilhelm Ostwald Secondary School, Latvia, Riga
Marija Kokorina
Riga Wilhelm Ostwald Secondary School, Latvia, Riga
Myrtel Rull
Viljandi Gymnasium, Estonia, Viljandi