Merili Ginter

Brief information

Head Creator/Board Member, Impact Day/Sotsiaalsete Ettevõtete Võrgustik

Expert in marketing, human resources, strategic planning

Tartu, Estonia

Mentor’s background

The most beautiful phrase used to describe Merili is “The Injector of Hope for Life” and she strives to live up to it every single day, putting effort into accelerating sustainable change in the world. She is a fierce social entrepreneur and a proud oldest sister to six lovely siblings.

Merili was a lost girl during school, only to find her spark before the end of secondary school: connecting entrepreneurship with making the world a better place. The spark has never faltered since.

She is currently focused on to help people with…

  • … starting a company that is not just another capitalistic initiative;
  • … making a community for like-minded people who believe in more than “just getting by another day/week/month”;
  • … transforming sustainability topics to be as trendy as start-ups and social media.

Merili is right now obtaining her Master’s degree in Marketing and Financial Management at the University of Tartu, previously gained there her bachelor in Business Management.

She loves to spend free time in the nature, read books and capture beautiful moments with a camera!

Personal motto

“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Walt Disney