

Harmony - Happiness is mental harmony.

Product or service description

“Harmony” - mental health stations. The essence of our service lies in the fact that we offer people to spend time usefully alone with themselves and devote time to their feelings and emotions that they are experiencing at the moment.

Elisa Lisete Taal
Pärnu Co-educational Gymnasium, Pärnu
Hanna Grete Käosaar
Pärnu Co-educational Gymnasium, Pärnu
Jacklyn Jaanimäe
Pärnu Co-educational Gymnasium, Eesti
Valerija Sausa
Riga Wilhelm Ostwald Secondary School, Latvia, Riga
Polina Melnikova
Riga secondary school 40, Latvia Riga
Simone Nairis
Tartu Miina Härma Gymnasium, Estonia, Tartu